Bibliographic Info

Breaking a Lease in Nevada | Tenant & Property Manager Rights

Quote: “Today, we'll talk about breaking a lease in Nevada, specifically. In ideal cases, a lease would end on the set date that was specified in the lease. However, sometimes, the tenant may want to leave the rental unit before the lease expires...”
Source: DoorLoop
Published: August 13, 2023
Added: August 30, 2023
DB ID: 325
  • Nevada
    • NRS 40.251
      Unlawful detainer: Possession of property leased for indefinite time after notice to surrender
    • NRS 118.175
      Liability of tenant.
    • NRS 118A.220
      Rental agreements: Prohibited provisions.
    • NRS 118A.290
      Habitability of dwelling unit.
    • NRS 118A.340
      Right of tenant or cotenant to terminate lease due to physical or mental disability or death.
    • NRS 118A.345
      Right of tenant or cotenant to terminate lease due to domestic violence, harassment, sexual assault or stalking.